Repackaging Glove Box, Building 440, RFETS, 2003   This glove box was one of many used to re-chracterize and re-package legacy nuclear and chemical wastes that had built up on the site over decades.
  Security Personnel, Building 771, RFETS, 2001
  Looking through water barrier into plutonium storage vault, Building 771, RFETS, 2001
  Analytical Lab, Building 771, RFETS, 2001
  Door to “Infinity Room”, Building 771, RFETS, 2003   Building 771 had several “infinity rooms”, or rooms so contaminated with plutonium and other radioactive isotopes that the radiation exceeded the capacity of the Geiger counter to measure. These
  J. Pacquette Characterizing Legacy Residues in Plutonium Building 771,  RFETS, 2001
  183 Reduction Tent, RFETS, 2001   A worker can be seen inside a supplied air bubble suit through a plastic window in the tent. The tent was used to cut up contaminated machinery and glove boxes to fit in disposal boxes. In 2001, several workers inh
  Respirator Suiting Room for 183 Tent, Building 771, RFETS, 2001   A former plutonium vault was converted to a respirator suiting room for the D&D Tent in Room 183, Plutonium Building 771. The tapes on the wall, with nicknames, track the usage o
  C.A. Nanstiel with a Pipe Overpack Component Waste Drum, RFETS, 2001
  Waste Drums Awaiting Shipment to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico for Burial in a Salt Mine, 2004.
  Anti-Contamination Clothing, Building 771, RFETS, 2001
  Demolition Workers in Reduction Tent, RFETS, 2004
  Entrance Portal to Production Building 771, 2001
  Excavated Incinerator, Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant, 2004   This legacy incinerator was “discovered”  during the site demolition, and had burned contaminated materials in the 1950’s.
  Accountability Badges Outside Building 371, RFETS, 2002
  Bags of Contaminated Soils from the 903 and 904 Pads, RFETS, 2005   The contaminated soils were shipped by train to Nevada for burial at the Nevada Test Site.
 Air Plenum Level, Building 771, RFETS, 2004
  Lower Level, Building 771, RFETS, 2004   This level contained the gloveboxes seen in the images from 2001.  The painted boxes represent areas that are still reading radioactively “hot.” In the background, contamination has been cover
  On-Site Security Training Shooting Range, RFETS, 2003
  The View of Denver from the Former 903 Pad   Thousands of barrels of wastes from the production area had been stored outside in a field called the 903 Pad. During the decades of production at the nuclear weapons plant, there was no designated place
  Waste Box Awaiting Burial in a Subsidence Crater at the Nevada Test Site, 2003.
  Standard Waste Boxes from Rocky Flats Awaiting Burial in a Trench at the Low-Level Waste Repository at the Nevada Test Site, 2003.
  Waste-box Burial Trench at the Nevada Test Site, 2003
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